Today, Ash Wednesday is a Public Holiday in the Cayman Islands so our office was closed. It was a busy day for me however, since I had three weddings.
The first was a Cruise Wedding for a Canadian couple whose photos from Mary Molly Hydes beach I will post in a few days. The second was a couple from Bali, Indonesia, and the wedding below was the third for the day.

This Groom lives and works in Cayman, and the Bride is from Japan. The wedding took place at one of the prettiest spots in Cayman, Beach Bay which is a private beach, connected to these residences.

I was excited about this wedding because I had not been to this particular spot since I was a teenager. After a lot of damage to trees and homes in 2004 during Hurricane Ivan, the beach appears to have recovered.

The new couple with their witnesses and a guest. The gentleman on the right told me he had been married by my dad, Vernon Jackson OBE, JP. My mom and dad, Vernon and Francine Jackson have been officiating at weddings for 25 years. Between them they have married almost 6000 couples in this period.

The beautiful bride and happy groom prepare to welcome their guests for the post-wedding celebration. Flowers by Celebrations. Ceremony by Joy of Weddings for Simply Weddings, these unofficial photos taken by my Olympus FE-370.
There are 10 Public Holidays per annum in Cayman. If you wish to be married on a Public Holiday you should contact me early so that special arrangements can be made with the marriage bureau to get your Special Marriage License. Residents can be married on Public Holidays, once their Banns of marriage have been published for 7 clear days. Call me (345)5256551m or email me at Visit my new website at
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